June 9, 2022

One of our past REU students, Cristina Garcia, just published her REU project in Estuaries and Coasts with her mentor, Chris Anderson. Congrats, Cristina and Chris! This is our program’s 30th publication!

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May 26, 2022

Mario Barros, a past visiting researcher from Brazil, stopped by the lab on his way to the Toxic Cyanobacterial Conference. We miss you, Mario!

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May 15, 2022

Our REU Site in Aquatic Ecology has officially started! We have got 11 awesome undergrad researchers from around the country joining us this summer. Let the fun begin.

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May 2, 2022

My PhD advisor, Mark Hay, has just been elected to the National Academy of Sciences. This is one of the biggest honors an academic scientist can achieve on the planet. Congrats, Mark!!

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March 22, 2022

The lab is growing again. Dr. Rajdeep Dutta, an assistant professor from the Department of Aquatic Environment Management at Assam Agricultural University in Assam, India, just arrived and will spend the next six months with us to study biomanipulation control of harmful algal blooms. Welcome, Rajdeep!

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March 21, 2022

Jameela is heading to the University of Alabama at Birmingham for Dental School this summer!! Congrats, Jameela. We are very proud of you.

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February 28, 2022

Our lab is losing a fantastic visiting researcher from Germany – Susie Wittenzeller. We will miss you but know that our paths will cross again in the future.

February 4, 2022

Matt’s first chapter of his MS thesis was just published. Congrats, Matt!

Gladfelter, M. F., R. P. Buley, A. P. Belfiore, E. G. Fernandez-Figueroa, B. L. Gerovac, N. D. Baker, and A. E. Wilson. In press. Dissolved nitrogen form mediates phycocyanin content in cyanobacteria. Freshwater Biology.